Oprah winfrey怎么读
oprah winfrey成功的原因:源于她的多舛经历和个人标签的不可复制,她身上具有复杂的多重性,使她成为不同种族和群体中许多人的生活偶像和楷模。她为妇女及黑人妇女在传媒界打开了大门,而且为她们立足主流社会树立了榜样,成为美国精神与创业成功的象征。
奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),她是一个会为了朋友、粉丝和所有人站出来的人,她在美国观众心中是具有价值的存在。她愿意去揭露和面对很多人会回避、逃避或不愿承认的事情,总能向听众介绍新事物和新想法。
奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),1954年1月29日出生于美国密西西比州科修斯科,美国演员、制片人、主持人。
1986年,凭借出演电影《紫色姐妹花》提名第58届奥斯卡金像奖“最佳女配角奖”。2011年,获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖“吉恩·赫肖尔特人道主义奖”。2018年,获得第75届美国电影电视金球奖“终身成就奖” 。
奥普拉·温弗瑞在荧屏前后都展现了坚强的女性形象,成为许多成熟女性和年轻女孩们的榜样 。虽然脱口秀不是奥普拉·温弗瑞独创,但她用热情和亲切感,将脱口秀带到了一个新高度 。
Oprah Winfrey是什么意思
这是由 “人名 + show”构成的一种表演节目。其中 Oprah Winfrey(奥普拉·温弗瑞)是美国著名女脱口秀主持人,汉语的 “秀” 实际上是直接由英语的 show 音译过来的,所以 Oprah Winfrey show 就是以奥普拉·温弗瑞名字命名的这档“秀”节目。另如 “时装秀(Fashion Show)”、“街舞秀(Hip-hop show)”也是类似结构的 show(表演)。
oprah winfery是谁
In the U.S. television host Oprah Winfrey's talk show "Oprah" every day, attracting seven million television viewers, but her well-known American magazine publisher Hearst Newspapers Group, co-sponsored by the magazine "struggle more than" in the world also has more than 2200 thousands of readers. Oprah's image has penetrated the hearts of American viewers, her standing in the eyes of Americans could be the only contemporary American religious teacher Deepak Kezhuopula and Stephen Covey on par with rivals. In recent years, Oprah has continued to educate the audience how to make your own spirit of sublimation, how to change their ideas, and she won many admirers at the same time, also attracted a great deal of criticism. Some even had a nickname given to her by: "Deepak Keaopula", meaning she did not want to be a pure talk show host, who wish to be diverted to do the same, like Deepak Keaopula the world's spiritual mentor. "She probably thought it was the prophet Messiah, and would like to guide every one of us to heaven." The American writer Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Road. University of Pennsylvania sociology professor, expert on U.S. issues, while Ken Ke Si Weiji Abt said: "She will be a variety of complex real-life conflicts simplistic, people started listening to her speech, may be subject to a certain kinds of passionate inspiration, but her approach and solve a variety of practical real-life problems, will make it doubly frustrating disappointment. "
She makes countless American women get back the lost confidence in the
While it is quite different views on Oprah, but in the eyes of many Americans, Oprah Winfrey is still outstanding women. "In my eyes, she was like us are all human, when she was with me, I felt her as my good friend." 36-year-old sales representative Cheryl Pierce told reporters Road, since last year, she was has done a hysterectomy, the entire people are plunged into despair, grief, life seems to become a gray, is the Oprah show and lecture before the former made her thoroughly recovered from the depression. Another old "Oprah fan" - a retired teacher, Gloria Bolukesi claimed, is Oprah Winfrey's show to make her life after divorce, have now taken to obtain a "new", "Austria Pula is an example of life, and she has overcome numerous difficulties to obtain a career and life success. If she can do, I believe we can do it. "
Not long ago, Weng Dalasaier or a decadent life of alcoholics, however, watched Oprah since the program, she would change their "evil" Reformed, a different place, not only quit drinking the old trouble, but also Subscribe to spend 24 dollars for himself a host Oprah magazine, "more than fighting," while she also subscribed to several, as a gift for his mother, grandmother and three friends, hoping that they also can learn some kind of power .
中文名: 奥普拉温弗里
外文名: Oprah Winfrey
国籍: 美国
出生地: 密西西比州科修斯科
出生日期: 1954年1月29日
职业: 企业家,电视节目主持人
毕业院校: 田纳西州立大学
代表作品: 《奥普拉·温芙瑞秀》
主要成就: 脱口秀
奥普拉(英文:Oprah 1954年1月29日-),生于密西西比州科修斯科,美国企业家和电视节目主持人。毕业于田纳西州立大学公演艺术及语音通讯学双学士学位。2007年获得霍华德大学荣誉博士学位。由于母亲不到20岁未婚就怀了她,奥普拉的童年过得相当清寒。她的出生证明上写的是奥帕(Orpah),取自《圣经·旧约全书》里《路得记》一卷里面的其中一位摩阿布族女人的名字,但是邻居们在读写她的名字时把其中的R和P调换了位置。最终奥普拉成了广泛接受的名字。根据2004年的福布斯杂志称,奥普拉·温芙瑞据信身家超过10亿美金。
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