


《阿尼阿拉号》(Aniara)是瑞典诗人、小说家、散文家、剧作家哈瑞61马丁松(Harry Martinson,1904-1978)的史诗式作品,包括103首诗歌。这部作品对马丁松与另一瑞典作家艾文德61雍松(Eyvind Johnson)1974年分享诺贝尔文学奖起过重大作用,被文学评论家称为“我们这个时代的星球之歌”。 当大多数人还在赞赏和享受现代工业文明果实的时候,他就像一个预言家,用文学形式向全人类发出生态失衡的警告,《阿尼阿拉号》实际上是这种警告的代表作。“阿尼阿拉号”的名称出自古希腊语“阿尼阿洛斯”(aniaros),意思是“遇险”或“危难中”。 近年来,随着人类环保意识的增强,对地球未来和人类命运的关注,马丁松作品的意义被更多识者认同,其国际影响也有所增加,《阿尼阿拉号》也出现了多种译本,包括日文和越南文等。现在中文译本的出版,自然也是顺应着这一潮流。 《阿尼阿拉号》出版于1956年,其写作则从1953年就已开始。二次世界大战中美国在日本广岛投掷原子弹,不久后苏联也在 1949年试爆第一颗原子弹。美苏对垒,资本主义世界与共产主义阵营较量,资本和极权分庭抗礼,冷战加剧,使得整个世界处在核战威胁之下,这种形势对马丁松的思想发展很有影响,他担心地球被毁灭。这种担忧是他创作此部长诗的动机之一。 另一个促成马丁松创作此诗的动机是他喜爱用天文望远镜观察天体,在晴朗夏夜的星空中寻找到了仙女星座(Andromedagalaxen)。马丁松为自己看到的景象而惊奇,在一种如梦如幻甚至痴迷的状态中,他写下29首诗歌,以“有关杜丽丝和米玛的歌曲”(S02ngen om Doris och Mima)为总标题,1953年发表于文学期刊《蝉》(Cikada),这些诗歌后来就成为《阿尼阿拉号》最初的基础,诗人后来又不断增添新作,直至1956年成书出版。据说,遨游太空也是诗人梦寐以求的愿望,因此瑞典首位太空宇航员克里斯特61福格尔桑(Christer Fuglesang)升空时还特地将《阿尼阿拉号》诗集和音碟带在身边,象征诗人梦想的实现。 《阿尼阿拉号》首先是一部叙事性诗作,描写人类因地球受到放射性物质毒害而无法居住,被迫乘坐飞船离开,迁移其他星球,但阿尼阿拉号飞船事故频发失去控制,脱离原定航线,乘员也束手无策,只能听任飞船在渺无尽头的茫茫太空中坠落,面临最终毁灭的命运。 如今看过《星球大战》之类科幻太空影片的人,可能已经对《阿尼阿拉号》中的太空描写司空见惯不再惊奇,但是马丁松创作此诗的时代,人们对太空的了解还非常有限,太空让人感到神秘,因此这部诗作当时给人以想象奇特、耳目一新的感觉,是太空文学的前卫作品。 《阿尼阿拉号》展示了诗人对自然科学的浓厚兴趣,似乎可以归类科学幻想作品,但其实依然属于文学隐喻,也是对人类生存困境的思考,副标题“对时空中的人类的一次检讨”就表现出作者这方面的用心。和当时在欧洲兴盛起来的存在主义相比较,马丁松的思考,不仅针对个人的生存危机,不仅表达人生的荒谬感,也着眼整个人类的前途和地球的命运,是对自然环境的关注,并有对极权的批判,所以具有更宽阔的视野和胸襟,也更具理性,同时又不失丰富甚至狂放的想象。 而且,就诗人对地球环境的担忧,以及对人类提出警告而言,这部作品也是世界环保文学的前驱之作,故被称为卡桑德拉式的作品(卡桑德拉为古希腊神话中能预见未来灾难的人物)。在诗人看来,地球最大的灾难,来自人类自身。在第26首中他写道: 几乎一切灾害人们都会提防, 无论火灾风暴或冰霜的灾殃 算上你能够想到的任何情况。 对人类自身之害却无可抵挡。 而在第100首中他又暗示,人类居住的地球本身,就是一艘将要毁灭的“阿尼阿拉号”: 太空的残酷远不及人类残酷 不,人类的冷酷更无可匹敌 地球上随处可见死牢的荒凉 石头筑起高墙围困囚徒的灵魂 冷凉的石头在沉默中听到回答: 这里是人类主宰。这里是阿尼阿拉号。 《阿尼阿拉号》以其深刻的思想、宏大的结构和丰富的想象,成为瑞典文学史上一部里程碑式的诗作。 ——选摘自译者万之的前言


大佬有安尼亚拉号 由艾米莉·强森主演的高清视频在线观看资源




《安尼亚拉号 Aniara》

导演: Hugo Lilja、Pella Kagerman

编剧: Hugo Lilja、Pella Kagerman、Harry Martinson

主演: Arvin Kananian、艾米莉·强森、Jamil Drissi、Pablo Salvador N.G.

类型: 剧情、科幻

制片国家/地区: 瑞典、丹麦

语言: 瑞典语、西班牙语、英语

上映日期: 2018-09-07(多伦多电影节)、2019-02-01(瑞典)

片长: 106分钟

又名: 星舰迷航:阿尼亚拉号




英文高手帮忙听听歌词 the great escape Seventh Wonder唱的..怎么找都找不到歌词...

(I. ...And the earth wept)
I tuck you in ever so gently
Still you cried and turned from me
You stepped on my heart
I forgave just like mothers do
From under your shoes I still carried you
Soon my body will burn into ashes and dust
And rain will turn all that glitters to rust
One last pill for the pain
Sit down let me explain...
Why my bruises stay
My child I know you never meant to...
These scars just won't fade away
and I'm sure you never knew
I give up, I give in
Help December let a new year begin
Take what's left
And move on
Fly away
Be gone...
(II. Poisoned Land
(III. Leaving home)
The morrow winds blow and herald a time
when man will be damned for all his crime
We all were too bold, now we all can see
how the lifegiver's bleeding to death before me
I am packing my bags, I', waiting in line
This tragedy forces us away from this land
As I board this creature of steel,
I kiss her good bye, give her time to heal
(IV. Take-off)
Loud sirens wail to send a
goldonder towards the light
Leaving the ground we bathe in starlight,
while heading for oceans of night
Safe in Aniara's warm and tender care we ride
Eight thousand hearts that fled the fires
for a life at a distant home
(V. A Turn for the worse)
A swerve to clear the Hondo stone
(Now we proclaim it known)
took us off course came too wide of Mars to
turn back home
There's no turning back, guiding units broke
and cracked
We will never win this game
From pledges and bonds, our system of suns
locked down its vaulted gateway
In thousands of years ram through the final frontier
The Lyre greets us there
Our ship at drift into the void
Through nothingness deployed
With an empty stare become aware
-our lives destroyed
Fears are hard to hide, praying as denial subsides
We can never win this game
From pledges and bonds, our system of suns
locked down its vaulted gateway
In thousands of years ram through the final frontier
A moth to a flame
(VI. A new balance)
Glass-like is the stare encircling us
The systems of stars hang frozen still
...a gaze through the window
Six years down the line we still feign dawn and sunset
but space no light will spawn
...eternally darker
Now setting sails,
but never know the worlds she's treading
where the life belongs
Mima lead the way;
Shine your light, be the beacon of hope at night,
be our guide, I need what you're doing to me
Shine your light, blind us when reality bites
We so need the magic she does
I asked me a question, -no reply
I dreamt me a life and live a lie
...dream me a nightmare
I traveled the stars but passed them by,
for trapped on Aniara here was
...always been leaving
We sit and stare,
at all the marvels that she brings us
Lights the life in you
Mima lead the way;
Shin your light, be the beacon of hope at night
Perfect grace in the barren house of space
Shine your light, blind us when reality bites
Mima, save us from seeing ourselves
(VII.Death of the Goddesses)
Inside the Mima's eyes, we lived our lives
Then like an arrow through this jest
destiny sent us a greeting from home, let us see:
-We have no home anymore
While Mima showed the final war
her circuits bled and fried as our mother died
She's darkened by our sin,
we begin to realize it
When I saw home so blue, be torn in two
all by the hands of her own child
Humanity, -the festering cancer that
dug her own grave
We have no home anymore
While Mima showed the final war
her circuits bled and fried, -seems she too will die
-Our haven's dying
I couldn't stop them if I tried
As they all rushed to see her die
Chaos, panic, people fight
I can't see, I will not, I won't
Our way of life is overthrown
Is there really no way? Let us turn back time.
(VIII. The age of confusion: Despair)
In the deafening silence people mourn,
we've cried us a river
Who knows where all laughter be?
On whom we place the blame?
Her demise was theirs!
Stained by their disease her screen recedes
Our real eyes realized
they beguile us all with their minds
(IX. The age of confusion: Lust)
Our lusting flesh and piety,
all coexist in the mist
Put aside your chastity
unveiling skin, magical sin
Controls the pile of heaving flesh,
a twisted queen;
"sleep with me and work the loins
The mind will stray, yield to life"
(X. The age of confusion: Reason)
And as the orgies all fade
and lust no longer attracts
then the brain will subdue the flesh,
put the focus on facts
Human brain was a shameful part,
low names were high for loins and for breast
Us Hades may harvest,
fully at its behest
(XI. The aftermath)
I still cry and I still miss her
I was just a little boy
running through the endless garden of our home
Away -some say never, ever
we'll leave this god forsake place
and ten thousand shivers
remain as we part
We're holding on, within our cradle of confusion
We paint no rainbows in the dark
No one will ever see us fade away
O for so long, I was the wielder of illusions
Our goddess gave in when she saw
that we had killed the earth and burst to flames
Every smile on every face
fell and crashed onto the floor
All alone in the world crying desperately
Away -some say never, ever we'll leave this god forsaken place
and ten thousand shivers
remain as we part
We're holding on, within our cradle of confusion
We paint no rainbows in the dark
No one will ever see us fade away
Oh for so long, I was the wielder of illusions
but there's no hiding what we are
We are the plague of all,
-for humanity there is no cure
God and Satan hand in hand
through this badland
took a flight uphill and down from man,
a king with with ashen crown
(XII. Dining on ashes)
What we reap is what we sow
Naked our truth smugly glows
We leave all games behind, because;
It took twenty years to come and go
Then only did we all know
and see how wrinkled and jaded we had grown
Looking out the window
but there's nothing new
Only darkness stares at you
I would die to see the rain below the rainbow,
just like others do
We crown the skies with our tiara;
-the life and fate of Aniara
We write an endless symphony
Now thousands were weeping
and hundreds cried in dismay;
-Twenty years today!
Repenting sinners pray
Easy come and easy go,
We could have had it all you know
Man's final day is here
Search for silver dig for gold
His desires now untold
Looking out the window,
all that he can see;
his own reflection's final plea;
"I would die to see the rain below the rainbow,
just like others do"
We crown the skies with our tiara;
-the life and fate of Aniara
We write an endless symphony
Now thousands were weeping
and hundreds cried in dismay;
-Twenty years today!
Repenting sinners will wither and fade
(XIII. The curtain falls)
Gladness fleeting, by whims and luck
-That is the way of life
Looking, searching our hearts
to find the "why" of it all
Finding no way to our home
See, in silence we faded. Our great escape;
-twenty four years inside
Looking, searching our ship
for life but just dust
falls on the graves of all
The halls of our ship now are void of all but death
Our lives have passed,
our hearts were broken by the endless dark
Our new paradise,
the one to replace the one we burned so bad
The god we hoped for left profaned,
all wounded and forlorn on the home we scarred
Now here I stand, my dear,
one heart still beats...
I bid you farewell,
the curtain will now descend
Somewhere in time we were living
-remember us then!


安尼亚拉号 百度云


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《安尼亚拉号 Aniara》

导演: Hugo Lilja、Pella Kagerman

编剧: Hugo Lilja、Pella Kagerman、Harry Martinson

主演: Arvin Kananian、艾米莉·强森、Jamil Drissi、Pablo Salvador N.G.

类型: 剧情、科幻

制片国家/地区: 瑞典、丹麦

语言: 瑞典语、西班牙语、英语

上映日期: 2018-09-07(多伦多电影节)、2019-02-01(瑞典)

片长: 106分钟

又名: 星舰迷航:阿尼亚拉号






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